Annual Report 2009
Annual Report 2009
After the successful completion of the first teachers’ scientific expedition in December 2007, the Foundation broke new ground in developing its dissemination process during 2008, positively fulfilling one of the main aims of the charity. Scientific reports and teaching materials relating to the expedition are posted on the web site for everyone to access. In addition, during the first six months, after their return, the four teachers made presentations to their own and many other schools and local groups, speaking to audiences of over 6000 people. This process continues with the teachers speaking at the annual conferences of their associations and to other different organisations. The experience gained from the expedition has further developed the four teachers which has resulted in promotion in their careers.
During 2008, the four teachers selected for the 2009 Arctic expedition, completed a vigorous training programme. As the team building process gathered momentum and the science projects were developed, it became clear that an ice cap crossing by dog sledge would be the ideal challenge. The team underwent two training trips to Norway; one in August to test the feasibility of their science projects, and the second in February 2009 to train as cross-county skiers. By this time, depots of dog and man food had been put in place in Greenland, and the expedition leader had completed a reconnaissance trip to finalise detailed arrangements with the Inuit dog drivers. The Expedition was completed in May and the team was one of only three to successfully cover 350 miles over the ice cap so far this season. They will commence their dissemination with presentations at Wolfson College in July.
The diary record of both expeditions are on the website along with the scientific reports and teaching materials from 2007 Expedition. The Arctic Expedition’s reports will be posted during the summer.
Financially, during the year the Foundation’s assets have been reduced by £42,000 to £35,000, and with the completion of the Arctic expedition at the beginning of June 2009 the funds available for the second Antarctic expedition, scheduled to take place in November 2010, are only £25,000, less than half the sum needed. The detailed accounts are to be found at the bottom of the Annual Report web page.
During the year three new Trustees have been welcomed to the Foundation: Julian Dowdeswell, Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute, John Shears of the British Antarctic Survey, and Sally Daultry from the Centre for Energy Studies at the Judge Business School of Cambridge University.
The Trustees thank all their supporters; the Charitable Trusts, commercial organisations, and individual supporters who have been so generous. Their support enables the charity to bring science alive in the classroom and inspire students to seek different ways to gain access to knowledge to equip them to compete in a world beset by changing environmental problems.
Further Reading
Page last modified: 11th May 2010 - 14:37:18